We recently invited our good friend Eddie to join the Sour Grapes team. We have been painting with Eddie since 1996 or 1997 and we have seen him grow into one of Dallas most talented artist and graffitti artist. Eddie has brought a lot of amazing ideas to the table, so expect major things from him and the entire Sour Grapes Crew....
JAR had his MFA thesis show this weekend and he put together and amazing sculpture instillation. His final pieces consisted of over 100 human ceramic heads held by metal supports. The piece is so powerful with its variety of ceramic pieces that you just want to investigate all of its details. The heads were all individually for sale and JAR told me that he had sold most of them, pretty awesome. JAR has some very interesting concepts behind his work and he is also very knowledgeable of many sculptural processes. He put together and incredible instillation.
This past weekend I saw the show that my good friend Soomin Jung put together for her Masters dregree thesis show. It was a nice mixture of her sculptures and drawings. One thing that I have always enjoyed about Soomin is her attention to detail and her craftsmanship, she is amazing. She placed her colorful sculptures all over the gallery, some on the walls, on pedestals, and even hanging from the ceiling. Then she had these amazing drawings of ears from all different people. I remember when she asked me if she could photograph my ear, I had no idea that she was going to draw it. Overall, she put together a really great show.